Tuesday 26 March 2013

Jenna Kass: Illustrator

Being about appreciating all types of art, and promoting creative license, we have come across a wonderful New York illustrator, Jenna Kass.

First being attracted by Tristan and Isolde, a work building on the operatic drama of the same name by Richard Wagner, Kass' demonstrates a technique that allows her work to be reminiscent of pre-20th century art, with a modern twist: a focus on fantasy. She is, by all means, the embodiment of classic and neo-classic, as demonstrated in her work.

However, it was Kass' blog that really highlighted her skill, as she speaks about her six-month drawing-a-day project, her process, the progress she makes, her anger and frustrations, and drive. It is inspiring, and truthful, and a wonderful read for any young aspiring artist finding it hard to get going.

To browse, please see Arty Visual Stuff.

To learn more about Kass and her blog, read here.